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Deal Flow
Lithuanian startup ecosystem is one of the fastest growing ecosystems in EU, a home of 1000+ startups and 3 unicorns (Vinted, Nord Security, Baltic Classifieds Group). Lithuania has also supported the growth of six more unicorns: Flo Health, Wargaming, KAYAK, Revolut, Mambu and Unity.
The combined enterprise value of Lithuanian startups has grew 7.1x between 2018 and 2023, double the average in the wider Baltic and CEE regions.
Lithuania ranked 2nd in CEE by VC investment in 2023 – Enterprise Software, Security and Energy were Lithuania’s most funded industries.
In 2023 Lithuanian startups attracted more than 270 million EUR*.
* – officially announced deals.
You can find more information about Lithuanian startup ecosystem here:
Lithuanian Startup Ecosystem Review by
LitBAN uses Dealum platform for managing and sharing the deal flow with its members. We receive about 30 – 50 new startup applications each month not only from Lithuania, but also from neighboring countries, and worldwide. Five selected startups each month are invited to pitch at LitBAN’s Pitch Event.
We invite you to join our network to find the most promising Lithuanian startups and make successful investments.
Success stories
LitBAN members invest about 10 – 14 million Eur yearly.
70% of LitBAN angel investments in 2023 went into Lithuanian startups.
Most favourite investment industries in 2023:
- Financial & Business services,
- AI,
Dual-use/MilTech, - B2B SaaS
- Life Sciences and Health Tech
- Manufacturing Tech
- Energy Tech
Investments of LitBAN members already generate returns. In 2023 ten angels had 13 return-generating exits:
- 1 exit >10x
- 1 exit between 5-10x
- 5 exits between 2-5x
- 6 exits between 1-2x
Success story of Interactio exit
A group of private business angels co-invested in Interactio (remote simultaneous interpretation platform) together with Coinvest Capital and exited after one year, as the next funding round was USD 30 million. Investment value has grown 9 times; however, the Fund only retained 6% compound annual interest and transferred all excess returns to co-investing business angels, increasing their return to 34 times.
Main international startups event in Lithuania, organised annually since 2012.
Event usually happens in Autumn and attracts about 2.000 attendees each year and usually host conference, Pitch Battle, matchmaking, and networking.
As a part of Startup Fair this event is exclusively dedicated for startup investors and attracts about 300 international business angels and VC’s each year to discuss about the newest investment trends, make new connections, network and maybe even invest together.
The largest and probably the boldest innovation gathering in the Baltics that attract about 5000 game changers, forward thinkers, tech-savvy innovators, and people thirsty for knowledge.
Event is usually held in the end of May.
More local events and meetups can be found here.
The Lithuanian legal system is principally based on the legal traditions of continental Europe.
Lithuanian laws set virtually no restrictions on foreign ownership. There is no requirement for a foreign investor to obtain any government licence or permit before making an investment in Lithuania.
In addition to minimal restrictions on foreign investments, Lithuania actively
them through ongoing legislative reforms.
A lot of foreign investors (business angels and VC’s) already invest in Lithuanian startups, including world-famous VC firms as Accel, Burda Principal Investments, Insight Partners, Investure, Plug and Play, Intel Capital, etc.
Here you can find some useful information about the legal and taxes in Lithuania:
Legal Guide. Lithuania by Triniti Jurex
Law and Taxes for Investments in Startups by FO Consulting Group