Get funded by business angels
🚅 Speed
Angel Investors usually invest faster than VCs, because they have less legal and stakeholder restrictions. However, this is not to say that the speed is detrimental to quality.
☎️ Knowledge and contacts
Alongside cash, Angel investors bring their life-time knowledges and connections that you will be able to leverage to grow faster.
🌟 Credibility
If a well known Business Angel believes in your startup, this means that he trusts the way you execute. This exhibition of trust can lead to more sales and future investments.
🤸🏼 Flexibility
Raising an investment from an Angel or a syndicate of Angels will allow you to settle on a term sheet more adapted to your business.
🗺️ Many "Déjà vu"
Many angels in our network are ex-founders that have been in your position. Because they know the challenges, they can help you overcome them and take the efficiency of your startup into another level.
🌉 Bridging the gap
There is a large gap between the pre-pre-pre seed stage when you invest your savings to buy a domain name, and the stage when VCs can confidently invest in your startup. Angel investors bridge this gap and allow you to survive through this desert.