For Investors - LitBAN

Start investing as a LitBAN angel

Here are a few reasons why:

🚀 Startup database

By joining LitBAN you are made part of Dealum – our database that includes all new and past startups that are looking for investments or partnerships.

📅 Pitch events

Every month we hold pitch events that include guest keynote speeches about investing and the startup ecosystem, insider news and pitches from 4-5 selected startups. Last but not least, at the end there is a time and space dedicated to networking.

📖 Education

Investing correctly is challenging. LitBAN organises numerous events and gives access to exclusive content that allows to step up ones angel investing game: from due diligence to syndication, we have it covered!

🛣️ Partnerships

LitBAN’s partnerships with legal, tech and other types of organisations facilitate the activities of our angels. With the great company of Corporate partners LitBAN is able to bring even more value to its investors.

🏐 Networking

LitBAN is, before anything else, a community. The value of a community-based organisation resides in its capacity to produce authentic and intense exchanges among its fellows. Full of great people, the LitBAN community is constantly boiling with introductions, small talks and projects that spark off the latter.

🤝 Syndication

Angels are smart and agile – that’s why they deliver. However, if combined into a group, they only gain speed by collaborating: possibilities to enter with smaller tickets, to negotiate more comfortably and while having bargaining advantages is a huge plus for angel investors. LitBAN facilitates this syndication process.

🏛️ Representation

The association works hand in hand with the Government and public institutions to encourage Angel Investing and support the Startup Ecosystem.

🏕️ Implication in the ecosystem

Angels don’t only invest to get money from equity. Often times the main goal is to give back to the community, to help build successful companies and to get the satisfaction that comes from this involvement.

🧪 Catalysing

If all of the other arguments do not convince you, here is the final one: we make things happen by approaching every deal with no delay and full concentration. We catalyse the aspirations of entrepreneurs and the capacities of angel investors, and make deals out of it.

Connect 2 Scale Project

Connect2Scale is a project designed to supercharge EU startups into thriving scaleups. The goal is to broaden the collaboration between investment ecosystems and investors. Stakeholders from 6 countries will be part of  training programs, study visits, vibrant community-building activities, and collaborative knowledge creation.

The program is supported by the EU and brought to life by EstBAN, FiBAN, EBAN, Business Angels of Slovenia, LitBAN, LatBAN and coordinated by CIVITTA from Estonia.

Read more.

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